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Sustainability Meets Hospitality: March News Wrap-up by Kiosk

March, is a month filled with events. Here are the top three on our radar for Sustainable Hospitality. Read further, to stay updated on global and regional news for sustainability in hospitality. International Women’s Day March 8 – Mind The Gap  Our article on “Mind the Gap” was featured on Linkedin News, as we spotlight “Women …

Sustainability Meets Hospitality: March News Wrap-up by Kiosk Read More »

Net-Zero Series: Part 5 in our Series on Net-Zero: Becoming a Sustainable Hotel

Though the four counties have very different strategies with their “Visions”, they all see a move away from a predominantly carbon-based economy,  with economic and energy diversification as an integral part of their roadmaps.  All four nations see tourism as an important,  if not an essential, component of their economic diversification strategy.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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