
Frequently Asked Questions

You can start with a single listing of the solution and add advertising; promotion services when you need them. If you have many products that are similar, for instance they vary in colour, size, capacity etc. you can add variations that buyers can specify to one listing.

Simply Register on the site & confirm your details. We shall review your solution and assess if it is fulfilling the environmental sustainability criteria and fit for sustainability kiosk.

You can then pay for the core Listing package : $500 per year. To have one solution per category displayed on the site, additional $100 to list additional solutions.

Pay your invoice and don’t forget to send us pictures and videos.

Once payment processed, we shall aim to go live within 7 working days

  • Display of brand name and logo
  • Listing of solution details and benefits
  • Sharing of product and usage pictures (prepared by Sustainability kiosk at no additional costs)and video(s).
  • Sharing of any certifications
  • Connection to interested buyers
  • A listing in our newsletter
  • Announcement on our social media

At any point, you an subscribe to additional services:

  • For a dedicated podcast on our “Sustainability Stories”
  • A feature in our newsletter
  • Webinar / panel discussion

Please speak to us to know more on this.

The sales process is handled directly by our partners, but you can contact them first via Sustainability Kiosk
Yes, we are looking at scaling it globally, and encourage you to register, review and ask questions for sustainable solutions, as it helps grow the community.

We have covered global leaders and hotel stories for Sustainability in Hospitality; and the plan is to publish one episode every fortnight

Please send us a description for your work; or contact us via the platform with the  CONTACT link at the bottom of the page.

We offer hospitality consultancy services under “Sustainability Management For Hire”. Please do visit our Consultancy section to find out more about this concept.

Yes, you can reach us on; or contact us via the platform with the  CONTACT link at the bottom of the page.


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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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