
S1E12: What Can We Do To Control Biodiversity Loss?

一    Radhika Arapally
|    July 1, 2021

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Today my guest is leading global tourism consultant specializing in responsible animal tourism. Daniel Turner, co-founder and Director of ANIMONDIAL provides impartial advice to guide travel businesses, improve animal protection and deliver meaningful change.

So my question to Daniel Turner is, “What can I do as an individual, or as a hotelier do to control biodiversity loss; when biodiversity is complex subject involving legislations / regulations”? He cuts down the complexities and shares realistic examples /scenarios to explain “how to understand biodiversity; and what practical action I can undertake as an organization”.

I have learnt that through interactions we support biodiversity positively, and also have a negatively impact. It is about having an understanding to achieve a balance; by optimizing my positives over negatives!

This month, ANIMONDIAL launches its revamped Service Packages, to help travel and tourism businesses to bring value to nature conservation through its #BuildBackBetterforAnimals initiative.

I hope you find your answers as you listen to Daniel break down it and explain to us in this episode.

Show Notes:

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