Sustainability Kiosk

S1E13: Can We Travel Without Plastic? Conversation with Jo Hendrickx, CEO and Founder

一    Radhika Arapally
|    July 16, 2021

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We want to enjoy our holidays without seeing plastic, but it’s hard to avoid. No one likes to see litter on the beach, or floating in the sea, and since David Attenborough opened our eyes to the effects of discarded plastic on wildlife, we like it even less.

Despite this, it’s estimated that the equivalent of one whole garbage truck of plastic waste enters the ocean every single minute and as a result there isn’t a beach on earth that isn’t polluted by plastic. A medium-sized hotel can easily get through half a million individual single-use plastic items each year, much of it just out of habit or “because hotel managers think it’s what guests want” as quoted by Travel Without Plastic.

“Let’s Reduce Single-Use” is the motto of Jo Hendrickx, founder of Travel Without Plastic, and she shares with us her practical plastic-free implementation system for hotels and travel businesses.

She is also the author of the recently published report ‘Rethinking Single Use Plastic Products in Travel & Tourism‘ by UNEP and the WTTC.

Ready to reduce waste at your hotel? Check out these easy plastic-free hotel swaps, or request a waste audit by our team.

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