
S1E3: Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand: Short-to-Medium Term Practical Actions to Bounce Forward for Sustainable Hospitality

一    Radhika Arapally
|    February 15, 2021

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This episode is for everyone in hospitality, to get a 30 minute easy-going sustainability 101 lesson with Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand, professor of hospitality management at IUBH International university, Germany. He is also the lead author of Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Principles of Sustainable Operations, a leading textbook with a 4th edition coming out in 2021.

In the episode, we dive into basics on sustainability in hospitality and challenges facing the industry. The bit that excites me, is the first-hand practical actions hotels/restaurants can activate in short-to-medium term to bounce forward in 2021, and close the great divide.

Are you ready for the challenge that is proposed in the episode?

One of the recommended topics is to “Know the 17 SDG’s“, with link included in the show notes.

We would love to hear from you! Please drop us a note on our website, also propose topics or guests you’d like to see on future shows.  Thank you!

Show Notes:

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