
S1E25: How Do You Start a Green Team at a Hotel? Explained by Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton Founder, Chief Change Agent at Astrapto

一    Radhika Arapally
|    January 31, 2023

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Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton is the Founder of Astrapto, which offers courses, coaching, and consulting to advance sustainability in hospitality, events, travel, and other service industries.

Her passion is to make sustainability practical and positive for anyone passionate about driving positive impact through their organizations and supply change. A few of the questions we discuss in the episode are:

  • Where do I begin on Sustainability?
  • What is the advice to sustainability consultants?
  • Is there a need for the role of Chief Sustainability Office?
  • Should hotels take Green Certification? What to consider when taking up any certification?
  • What is the first step to Benchmarking for hotels?
  • What are the characteristics required to be a Sustainability Champion?

    My favourite quote from the episode is, “sustainability is a journey, not a destination”.

    Listeners to the episode have a unique discount code for courses at Astrapto Academy. Listen in to get your discount code.

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