S1E23: Kim Hardaker: How Etihad Airways is Connecting Individuals / Corporates on the Sustainability Journey (in the air and on the ground)

一    Radhika Arapally
|    April 1, 2022

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Etihad Airways has been pushing boundaries on sustainability initiatives, with a pledge to go carbon neutral by 2050. Carbon Neutral is balancing carbon emissions vs absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. The target for Eithad airlines is 2050; that’s 28 years to balance the equation.

They are developing Eithad green liner and working with Boeing and GE to constantly test new green technologies, such as sustainable alternative fuels (SAFs), sustainable operations and eco-friendly in-flight products. Whilst this is happening on the development and operational side, the loyalty team has been busy connecting consumers on this green journey.

In the episode, we speak to Kim Hardaker, Vice President, Loyalty and Partnerships for Eithad Guest, to focus on the B2Bm B2C incentives; and how programs can positively influence customer behaviour.

A few questions we discussed with Kim are:

  1. Latest updates on the Conscious Choices Program for Individuals and Corporates
  2. The Carbon Offsets and take-up rates 
  3. The partnership between Talabat and Etihad Airways to provide Carbon Offsets for ground delivery operations
  4. Importance for program managers to take clear BOLD steps with the intent to avoid greenwashing

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