Sustainability Kiosk

S1E8: Green Hospitality Program Drives Revenue & Customer Happiness - Raquel Noboa.

一    Radhika Arapally
|    April 29, 2021

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Raquel Noboa has worked in hospitality for over 23 years, and her own Green Journey began at Hotel Doolin in 2012. She was working there as the Sales & Marketing manager, when the Hotel decided to start a Green Hospitality program. Within 2 years implementing the program, the hotel reduced their Energy by 30%, waste by 40% and water by 25%. Raquel then started Fifty Shades Greener with a mission to embed Environmental Education to businesses, communities and the younger generations. They currently license training courses to governments, public agencies and universities. 

In the episode, we talk about mindset barriers to greening hospitality business, that sustainability is affordable and small actions taken everyday make a difference towards sustainability.

Proud to hear she is now featured in Ireland’s National newspaper and wishes to support more hotels in the journey for Green Hospitality.

Her favourite hotel in the world is Kandolhu island, Maldives.

Show Notes:

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