
Speaker on EcoTechnology Strategy at HITEC Conference 2023

一    Radhika Arapally
|    May 24, 2023

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As a goal post reminder, the decarbonisation goal of the hospitality industry is a 90% reduction by 2050, and we have 27 years to achieve this goal; which is mostly in our lifetime. 

As the consequences of climate change loom, a pressing need emerges for a shift that embraces clean and renewable alternatives to reduce emissions. Needless to say, the fusion of innovative sustainable solutions is a transformative force in preserving our world, and cost efficiency is one crucial aspect in this process to make it viable. This was the focus of discussion at a recent HITEC Conference 2023- The Hotel Show.

With the session title of “How Integrating cost-efficient green technologies into your ecosystem can help us move closer to our net-zero mission?” Radhika championed the urgency of integrating smart energy-efficient technologies into every day operations of a hotel as she quoted

“Sustainability is a journey, it is constant innovation and evolution towards the next zero goal or beyond to be net positive. 

This approach demonstrates a refusal to become complacent and a recognition that there is always room for progress.

A hotel must constantly reevaluate its practices, so it stays at the forefront of sustainability efforts.”

Radhika Arapally, HITEC Conference, 2023

Joining Radhika Arapally, Founder & Chief Impact Officer of Sustainability Kiosk, on the panel were esteemed industry leaders including Judit Toth, CEO & Founder of Vivere HospitalityMaryke Tredoux, Associate Director of Soft Services at Nakheel Malls, and Natalia Gecziova, Head of Hotel Operations, Studio One Hotel.

Speaking points from other panel members:

1. Maryke Tredoux, Associate Director at Nakheel Malls, shared about her experience from using food digester with 100 individual access cards to enable all mall outlets to independently interact with the food digester machine and support in the vision of converting food waste to recyclable grey water

2. She also shared the recent initiative by Nakheel properties, to collect used cooking oil from the residents to transform a cooking oil waste into bio-diesel vs, clogging the drains

3. Natalia Gecziova from Studio One Hotel, spoke about her piloting with The waste lab to compost the food waste; and experiment with bringing together farm to table at the restaurants.

4. Judit Toth, CEO and Founder of Vivere Hospitality, touched on the need for collaboration across hospitality operators, to share ideas, verified solutions to enhance the speed and momentum in installation of the technologies

As the editor of Sustainability Kiosk blogs, I would encourage readers to explore this platform under shop section for an independent verified opinion on sustainable solutions available for hospitality and if you cant find what you are looking for, give us a call for a free consultation.

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