S1E2: William Ward: Repurpose Your Food Waste, and Avoid Landfill. #DontWasteYourWaste

一    Radhika Arapally
|    January 31, 2021

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What do you do with food waste?

Reducing the volume of food waste is certainly the first step to food waste hierarchy. However, for the food that can’t be saved, are you curious to learn how food waste can be repurposed to encourage circularity?

Then, let’s hear from William Ward and Green Eco Technologies, who are pursuing to convert bio-degradable waste for soil enhancement, fish food or even green energy as a means for repurposing and recycling through WASTEMASTER.

In this episode, William Ward shares his passion for repurposing food waste, and encourages hotels/restaurants/hospitals/catering firms into considering downstream solutions to avoid sending waste to landfill. #DontWasteYourWaste. He also promises a guaranteed return-on-investment solution to combat bio-degradable waste at all hotel types inclusive of city center hotels. One day, he aspires for food repurposing to be a brand standard; and to collaborate with brands for achieving sustainability goals.

As William recalls, it has been estimated that if food waste was a country, it would be the third highest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 

So are you willing to look at your food disposal and take action?

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