Did you know cooling can be offered as a service?
Always have your AC running efficiently, along with free chiller replacements, upgrades and retrofits taken care of by a team of specialists with a mission to lead the building construction and operations industry into a net-zero carbon future.
Supplier Connect – About the Brand
STOUT Energy provides Building Energy Optimization as a service, helping to maintain built environments at maximum efficiency.
STOUT provides a range of building energy efficiency services designed to take any building to net-zero emissions. Services include CaaS (Cooling as a Service), HVAC optimization, cool roofing, lighting retrofits, building envelope creation, building energy audits, and integration of renewable energy systems such as solar PV and wind.
The Global Issue
We all know we need to reduce our energy consumption. The creation of energy resources results in greenhouse gasses.
HVAC accounts for roughly 70% of building energy consumption in the UAE.
Stouts HVAC optimization subscription plan can save up to 50% of HVAC energy consumption without any upfront costs!
Saving energy just makes sense.
Why is it a Sustainable Solution?
Reducing energy consumption is imperative. Reductions in energy allows us to reduce carbon emissions and our carbon footprint, preserving resources, along with saving money and encouraging innovation
Commercial Benefits
Make savings on your energy bills, infrastructure costs, capital and operating expenses as well as overall maintenance and replacement costs.

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