Earth Day, April 22: What Can You Do?

一    Tiffany McGrath
|    April 2, 2024

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Earth Day – 22 April, an Annual Event

Every year on April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day, a global movement dedicated to environmental awareness and protection. We intend to take you though it’s history, significance, and how you, as an individual or a hospitality professional can do your bit for the planet, place, people and prosperity.

From Humble Beginnings

Earth Day emerged in the 1970s as a reaction to the unchecked environmental destruction caused by the impact of post-war consumerism, as Americans marched in protest for the earth’s cause.  Twenty years later, in 1990, the cause went global, with over 141 counties taking part to spread environmental awareness.  Now a global movement with over 1 Billion people participating annually, Earth day is one of the biggest days advocating environmental awareness and protection.

Why is Earth Matters for Hospitality? 

We know the hospitality industry has a 1% contribution to the global emissions and the industry depends on the environment for it’s survival. 

The demand for energy, water, and food and the amount of waste the industry creates is significant. Yet no other industry depends more upon the survival of pristine environments, making conservation of the environment and spreading awareness our uppermost priority.

How You Can Get involved? 

Head to, download the toolkit, register and see how you can participate in this year’s earth day events.

Actionable Steps for Hotels:

  1. Conduct a sustainability audit and identity areas of improvement
  2. Commit to sustainability; implement in at least three technologies this year, that helps  with water, energy, food waste reduction and improving operational efficiency.
  3. Understanding your carbon footprint is a must. Use tools like Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative tool (HCMI) from Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (SHA) or the Dubai Tourism Carbon Measurement Tool for carbon to get started.
  • The Planet Pathway from SHA, enables hotels with a strategic approach to improve their environmental impact providing practical advice and simple steps on the road to becoming net positive.

As an individual, here are 15 of our top picks for Earth Day that are worth trying!

  1. Buy local.
  2. Calculate your footprint.
  3. Form a sustainability committee.
  4. Host a community cleanup.
  5. Host training regarding sustainability
  6. Implement climate-friendly menus.
  7. Participate in advocacy.
  8. Participate or host a cleanup.
  9. Plant trees
  10. Reduce disposables in your operation.
  11. Reduce plastic consumption.
  12. Sponsor or find an event in your area.
  13. Support local farms and ingredients.
  14. Support organic ingredients.
  15. Take a pledge to reduce food waste

Take meaningful action this earth day and begin making a long-lasting impact.

Take Action Today:

Share with us what you are doing (did) for Earth Day either as an individual or a hotel; we would love to feature your story

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