
Air Quality

VITA Tronic

GreenTECH by AQUAcell

Key Features

The solution checked and verified on delivery and sustainability standards by Sustainability Kiosk experts

Benefits of using VITA Tronic harmonizing device

  • Neutralization of geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog
  • Change of air ionization
  • Greater efficiency of air conditioning
  • Elimination of chronic fatigue
  • Reducing aggression and irritation
  • Better concentration and greater work efficiency
  • Healthy sleep and relaxation
  • Improvement of the quality of life and health
  • Rejuvenated immune system
  • Increasing immunity
  • Feeling of harmony in the room

VITA Tronic can also be used for the daily regeneration of the body.
By standing or sitting (5-10 minutes) over the device, you trigger the flow of energy throughout the body. As a result, you restore the natural frequencies of all your cells, activate the metabolism, reduce tension and remove blockages. Every day you can improve the functioning of all organs, leading to a state of homeostasis.

The research carried out by the Austrian researcher Dr. Walter Medinger confirmed the power of the VITA Tronic device. Where a harmonizer was used, measurements showed that the spatial structure of the magnetic field was more balanced. Disturbance zones have been mitigated or completely neutralized, which proves the effectiveness of the solution.


GreenTECH by AQUAcell

The Process

Indoor and outdoor space harmonizer, decarbonisation technology increasing well-being, providing a sustainable approach reducing the climate and carbon footprint.


People use an increasing number of technical devices powered by electricity. These devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields (EM), which overlap, creating electromagnetic smog. At the same time, our bodies have not produced any kind of natural defences. Being constantly under the influence of waves, we expose ourselves to the harmful effects of electromagnetic smog, such as pain, metabolic disorders, general weakness and reduced immunity.
The VITA Tronic Harmonizer is a device tested by the IIREC- International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility, based in Austria. VITA Tronic causes complete equalization of the spatial field and protects against electro smog.

The Process

Indoor and outdoor space harmonizer, decarbonisation technology increasing well-being, providing a sustainable approach reducing the climate and carbon footprint.


People use an increasing number of technical devices powered by electricity. These devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields (EM), which overlap, creating electromagnetic smog. At the same time, our bodies have not produced any kind of natural defences. Being constantly under the influence of waves, we expose ourselves to the harmful effects of electromagnetic smog, such as pain, metabolic disorders, general weakness and reduced immunity.
The VITA Tronic Harmonizer is a device tested by the IIREC- International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility, based in Austria. VITA Tronic causes complete equalization of the spatial field and protects against electro smog.

Sustainablity Story

In last few decades our lives have changed completely. We are not aware of the fact that, every day, up to 90% of our time, we spend in different kinds of buildings! If you work in the office for 8 hours a day and you sleep for eight hours each night, together it already gives 67% of the day. Then if we add time spend on cooking, eating and social gatherings, we will achieve 90% mentioned earlier. Indoor Air Quality According to Health, Wellbeing & Productivity in Offices research, good quality of indoor air can increase our body productivity by about 10%. Fresh air will not make you smarter, however, it will help you do your best. We rarely talk about the air pollution inside rooms. However, studies have shown that due to chemicals, machines, building and finishing materials used in buildings, the air in the room can be 2-50 times more contaminated than the one outside. Indoor Air Quality/Indoor Design – Plastics; The more synthetic materials there are in our surroundings, the worse it is. We have to remember that a human being without nature is like a fish without water. Many of us do not realize that the negative field in the bank produced by POLYETHYLENE generates 100 000 V/m and items made of POLYETHYLENE generate a field from 5,000-10000 V/m. ELECTROSMOG results from the accumulation of different electromagnetic influences in one area. Specialists claim that the transformation of the electromagnetic environment for the last 50 years is responsible for most of the civilization diseases and the adverse changes in the direction of human evolution According to the bioelectronics specialists, the harmfulness of the EM SMOG is equal to the total of all the other forms of environmental degradation THE ENVIRONMENT SATURATION WITH ARTIFICIAL WAVES KEEPS GROWING ! As a result we are accompanied by the ubiquitous smog with a wide FREQUENCY RANGE The particular hazard of such ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION refers to the fact that we often do not notice and apparently do not feel being directly penetrated by ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. In 2007, a research project was conducted on human cells cultured in a laboratory. They were exposed to Wi-Fi radiation. As many as 221 genes changed their expression following a two-hour exposure; that number increased to 759 genes after six hours How we can create sustainable buildings which are human friendly and electromagnetic smog safe ? NATURAL MATERIALS glass, wood, stone, metal allow you to create harmony in the building SHAPE GEOMETRY suitable shapes, symbols and arrangement of the buildings are used by man for centuries in order to create space harmony PAINTS use of paints and plasters that neutralize artificial electromagnetic radiation TEXTILE suitable fabrics protect against electromagnetic smog CE, 35 building standards, lasts forever, lifetime technology, well-being, sustainability

Verified By

Raw Materials

Ceramics or Korian


Manufactured in Austria

Transport & Delivery

Transportation by Sea, Land or Air

Disposal, Reuse & Recycle

lifetime device

Impact Reporting

  • Lowers Carbon Footprint
  • Improves well being
  • Improves air quality

Sustainablity Story

In last few decades our lives have changed completely. We are not aware of the fact that, every day, up to 90% of our time, we spend in different kinds of buildings! If you work in the office for 8 hours a day and you sleep for eight hours each night, together it already gives 67% of the day. Then if we add time spend on cooking, eating and social gatherings, we will achieve 90% mentioned earlier. Indoor Air Quality According to Health, Wellbeing & Productivity in Offices research, good quality of indoor air can increase our body productivity by about 10%. Fresh air will not make you smarter, however, it will help you do your best. We rarely talk about the air pollution inside rooms. However, studies have shown that due to chemicals, machines, building and finishing materials used in buildings, the air in the room can be 2-50 times more contaminated than the one outside. Indoor Air Quality/Indoor Design – Plastics; The more synthetic materials there are in our surroundings, the worse it is. We have to remember that a human being without nature is like a fish without water. Many of us do not realize that the negative field in the bank produced by POLYETHYLENE generates 100 000 V/m and items made of POLYETHYLENE generate a field from 5,000-10000 V/m. ELECTROSMOG results from the accumulation of different electromagnetic influences in one area. Specialists claim that the transformation of the electromagnetic environment for the last 50 years is responsible for most of the civilization diseases and the adverse changes in the direction of human evolution According to the bioelectronics specialists, the harmfulness of the EM SMOG is equal to the total of all the other forms of environmental degradation THE ENVIRONMENT SATURATION WITH ARTIFICIAL WAVES KEEPS GROWING ! As a result we are accompanied by the ubiquitous smog with a wide FREQUENCY RANGE The particular hazard of such ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION refers to the fact that we often do not notice and apparently do not feel being directly penetrated by ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. In 2007, a research project was conducted on human cells cultured in a laboratory. They were exposed to Wi-Fi radiation. As many as 221 genes changed their expression following a two-hour exposure; that number increased to 759 genes after six hours How we can create sustainable buildings which are human friendly and electromagnetic smog safe ? NATURAL MATERIALS glass, wood, stone, metal allow you to create harmony in the building SHAPE GEOMETRY suitable shapes, symbols and arrangement of the buildings are used by man for centuries in order to create space harmony PAINTS use of paints and plasters that neutralize artificial electromagnetic radiation TEXTILE suitable fabrics protect against electromagnetic smog CE, 35 building standards, lasts forever, lifetime technology, well-being, sustainability

Verified By

Raw Matarials

Ceramics or Korian


Manufactured in Austria

Transport & Delivery

Transportation by Sea, Land or Air

Disposal, Reuse & Recycle

lifetime device

Impact Reporting

  • Lowers Carbon Footprint
  • Improves well being
  • Improves air quality

Product Information

Manufactured in Austria
2-year warranty
No reports or tracking is generated
Glass, silver, gold, platinum, minerals
Packaged in individual cardboard boxes.
Transportation by Sea, Land or Air,
lifetime device

Product Information

Manufactured in Austria
2-year warranty
No reports or tracking is generated
Glass, silver, gold, platinum, minerals
Packaged in individual cardboard boxes.
Transportation by Sea, Land or Air,
lifetime device

Product Certification


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If using one of our in-house designs an order will take approximately 13 weeks. For custom designs, this extended to approximately 18 weeks.


If using one of our in-house designs an order will take approximately 13 weeks. For custom designs, this extended to approximately 18 weeks.

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