

Sustainability team activities and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives

Companies for good

Key Features

The solution checked and verified on delivery and sustainability standards by Sustainability Kiosk experts

Companies for Good offers a range of team activities that enables businesses to do good in a way that aligns with their strategic goals. Businesses can book activities on a one-off ad hoc basis or sign up to get a package of solutions – multiple activities on an annual basis.

Broadly, activities fall into two categories: doing good for the planet and doing good for society.

Doing good for the planet
Activities include:
• Mangrove planting & Kayaking through mangroves 
• Going on a scuba adventure to clear plastic waste from the ocean
• Planting Ghaf trees in the desert
• Making art from waste
• Doing a beach clean-up to protect marine life

Doing good for society
Activities include:
• Making toys for refugee children
• Distributing food or hygiene packs to Dubai’s blue-collar workers


Companies for Good

The Process

Companies for Good enables businesses to do good – on demand. It works by connecting businesses with charity partners and other community organisations that run activities in their areas of expertise. Every activity is specially designed to help businesses make a positive impact to the communities and/or the environment. Most activities have a component of team building, which increases collaboration, team bonding and employee engagement.

Companies for Good also has a consultancy offer – ‘CFG sustainability solutions’ – that provides businesses with strategic guidance on how to become more sustainable.

The Process

Companies for Good enables businesses to do good – on demand. It works by connecting businesses with charity partners and other community organisations that run activities in their areas of expertise. Every activity is specially designed to help businesses make a positive impact to the communities and/or the environment. Most activities have a component of team building, which increases collaboration, team bonding and employee engagement.

Companies for Good also has a consultancy offer – ‘CFG sustainability solutions’ – that provides businesses with strategic guidance on how to become more sustainable.

Sustainablity Story

Using his experience as a sustainability and employee engagement consultant, Cirera established a consultancy offer that sits alongside the company’s larger team activities offer. Businesses can get strategic advice and workshops that help them become more sustainable organisations. Consultancy is delivered by Cirera, as well as a network of experts he established who deal with different specialisms. CFG sustainable solutions include: • Corporate recycling programs • Diversity and inclusion talks and workshops • Corporate water initiatives • Sustainable Development Goals workshops • Ethics workshops • Values and communication workshops • Sustainability reporting consultancy

Verified By

Raw Materials

Not Applicable - Service Based Operator


Not Applicable - Service Based Operator

Transport & Delivery

Not Applicable - Service Based Operator

Disposal, Reuse & Recycle

Not Applicable - Service Based Operator

Impact Reporting

  • Reduces Carbon footprint as activities assist clean up the environment in many cases
  • Positive impact on Communities, when community events are selected.

Sustainablity Story

Using his experience as a sustainability and employee engagement consultant, Cirera established a consultancy offer that sits alongside the company’s larger team activities offer. Businesses can get strategic advice and workshops that help them become more sustainable organisations. Consultancy is delivered by Cirera, as well as a network of experts he established who deal with different specialisms. CFG sustainable solutions include: • Corporate recycling programs • Diversity and inclusion talks and workshops • Corporate water initiatives • Sustainable Development Goals workshops • Ethics workshops • Values and communication workshops • Sustainability reporting consultancy

Verified By

Raw Matarials

Not Applicable - Service Based Operator


Not Applicable - Service Based Operator

Transport & Delivery

Not Applicable - Service Based Operator

Disposal, Reuse & Recycle

Not Applicable - Service Based Operator

Impact Reporting

  • Reduces Carbon footprint as activities assist clean up the environment in many cases
  • Positive impact on Communities, when community events are selected.

Product Information

Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator

Product Information

Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator
Not Applicable – Service Based Operator

Product Certification


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