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Latest Episodes

Radhika Arapally
February 15, 2021
S1E3: Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand: Short-to-Medium Term Practical Actions to Bounce Forward fo …
This episode is for everyone in hospitality, to get a 30 minute easy-going sustainability 101 lesson with Prof. Dr. Willy

Radhika Arapally
January 31, 2021
S1E2: William Ward: Repurpose Your Food Waste, and Avoid Landfill. #DontWasteYourWaste
What do you do with food waste? Reducing the volume of food waste is certainly the first step to food waste

Radhika Arapally
January 17, 2021
S1E1: Paul Schenk: On a Mission to Run Zero Plastic Hotel #PlasticNotSoFantastic
Previously as Hotel Manager of Crowne Plaza, Oman, Paul Schenk has introduced 50+ initiatives to eliminate plastic usage at the hotel.

Radhika Arapally
January 16, 2021
S1E0: Sustainability Stories: Balancing Act of People, Planet and Profits
Sustainability Stories is a podcast bringing stories from change leaders who are taking conscious steps to care for Planet, People