S1E16: Clinton Farley - General Manager, The Hotel Britomart, New Zealand’s first and only 5 Green Star rated hotel

一    Radhika Arapally
|    October 4, 2021

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In this episode, we talk to Clinton Farley, the General manager of The Hotel Britomart, New Zealand first five-star green hotel and his other role as non-executive director of Soap Aid, Australia, and New Zealand.

Some of the key questions we cover in the episode are:

  1. New build vs retrofit buildings, and the advantages with new-build hotels.
  2. Examples of feasible partnerships with local firms which are great for the planet, people and ROI (see in show notes for a list of examples)
  3. The need (or not) for the role of Chief Sustainability Officer? 
  4. One of the biggest sustainability challenge for The Hotel Britomart, as Clinton identifies is packaging. 
  5. Clinton leadership advice from his career and also as non-executive director of soap-aid

We close the episode, with a favourite quote of Clinton “Status Quo isn’t good enough for sustainability. Question everything”

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The rating of hotel’s 5 green star rating is provided by NZGBC (New Zealand Green Building Council) through Green Star. Green Star benchmarks projects against the nine Green Star categories of Management; Indoor Environment Quality; Energy; Transport; Water; Materials; Land Use & Ecology; Emissions and Innovation. Excelling in all these parameters is The Hotel Britomart, New Zealand’s First- and only Five-star Green Hotel.

Show notes:

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