Recommended by our Editor – Anna Dacam moving speech on ‘Time’

一    Harsh Shah
|    December 1, 2023

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Anna Dacam: Why we need a long-term approach to Sustainability. 

Sustainable Hospitality Alliance Environment Programme Manager, Anna Dacam explored the concept of ‘time’ examining the importance of prioritising long-term impact over short-term gain.

To watch her speak, Click here

Her message is a great reminder of the need to move beyond a short-term system of thinking and embrace a longer-term approach.

Highlighting that human activity has substantially altered the state of the earth and its ecosystems over the last 75 years, Anna said: “It’s easy to understand why young people are so concerned by these issues. Again it comes back to time. It’s because, for us, the sustainability crisis is all we know. The time that I’ve been alive has undoubtedly been a time of sustainability reckoning, where humanity is finally coming to terms with the fact that we are causing substantial damage to the world around us”.

Building on this, Anna called on our network of hospitality leaders to be pioneers, take bold action and transition to long-term thinking, stating: “It’s easy to find excuses to hold back, to stay quiet, to wait to see what others are doing. But we can’t afford to wait. Tackling sustainability requires us to be bold, stand up, and watch as others follow.

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