
Welcome to Sustainability kiosk

As a brand trying to create an impact in the B2B sustainability space, it is crucial to be visible to key decision-makers in the Hospitality industry. Enroll today and become one of the verified brands to be featured on Sustainability Kiosk.

Discover some of the key features on Omnia Health marketplace:

1. We vet every product and service

We ensure everything’s sustainable and use the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance checklist to provide everything follows best practices. User ratings give buyers extra confidence.

2. Everything’s explained clearly

Product videos, webinars, animations and blogs explore the greatest innovations.

3. Your one-stop sustainable shop

From small daily disposable consumables to big one-off capital purchases.

4. Consistent descriptions

It’s easy to find what you need, easy to understand products and easy to compare products and services to make an informed choice.

5. Buy locally

Search by country to ensure quick delivery, on-hand support, and understanding of local government conditions.

Pricing Table

$ 500 / Year
  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Marketing to Targeted Audience
  • Invitation to Exclusive Networking Events

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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