Become a Sponsor for 2024
USD 150
126 passes left at this rate
- Early Bird Discount: USD 100 (until 3rd September)
- Connect with industry leaders and experts.
- Gain insights into sustainable practices.
- Network with peers and solution providers.
USD 200
57 passes left at this rate
- Special Offer: Unique 20% discount codes will be emailed to existing solution providers.
- Access to all summit sessions.
- Networking opportunities.
- Exclusive content and materials.
USD 250
100 passes left at this rate
- Early Bird Discount: USD 100 (until 3rd September)
- Connect with industry leaders and experts.
- Gain insights into sustainable practices.
- Network with peers and solution providers.
USD 200
57 passes left at this rate
- Special Offer: Unique 20% discount codes will be emailed to existing solution providers.
- Access to all summit sessions.
- Networking opportunities.
- Exclusive content and materials.